Sunday, February 10, 2013

God's Pretty Awesome

So a while back I posted about a guy who asked me for money for medicine, and I told him no, then yes. To be honest, I was praying that he would use it to buy his medicine and food, but I was thinking that he was probably just going to spend it on alcohol. Well today I went back to the store that I first met the guy at. As I was walking in the gate, I saw the man, and from my point of view it looked like he was just sitting in one spot begging. I started to round the corner to go talk to him and see what he had actually used the money on. When I came around I saw that he was shining shoes. When he saw me, he jumped up and ran over to me. Now I don't speak much Swahili and he didn't speak hardly any English, but I had gathered that he used the money to buy a shoe shining kit. Now he has a job, looks a whole lot healthier than he did when I first saw him, and he has gotten the medicine that he needed. I'm not going to lie, I honestly gave him money out of guilt, and then selfishly I was worried about what he was going to do with the money that I think I still considered "mine" (even though nothing is mine in this world). God, very unselfishly, said, "That's ok, Jake. Let Me show you something amazing." I went home today with joy in my heart, not because I had done anything great, but I think that today God revealed to me a little, tiny bit of how awesome He is.

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